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Baby Talk или как "сюсюкают" по-английски.


Выражения, используемые английскими родителями по отношению к детям.

Пример выражений из "parentese":

Whoose a prettyy baybeee? (графически имитируется певучая интонация)

Who's my li-i-ttle baybee? Are you my littlee baybee? Yes, yoooo are!

Would Maria like to have her milk now?

Does Maria want to go outside?"

Does Masha want to go pee-pee?

Does Masha want to do pee (poop) in the potty?

Does Masha want to go doo-doo?
Does Masha want to go potty?

Лексикаиз "baby talk":

Beddy-bye (go to bed)

Binkie (pacifier)

Boo-boo (small painful bump or bruise)

Didee (diaper)

Din-din (dinner)

Doo-doo (feces, defecation)

Ickle (little)

Icky (disgusting)

Jammies (pajamas)

Nana (grandmother)

Pee-pee (urination)

Oopsie-daisy (or whoopsie-daisy) (small accident or fall; from "upside-down?"; or to be slightly Tossed up in the air & caught by an adult)

Sissy (sister)

Stinky (soiled with feces)

Tinkle (urination)

Wee-wee (urination)

Widdle (little)

Yucky (disgusting)

Baba (blanket or bottle)

Blankie (blanket)

Bubby (brother)

Dada (dad, daddy)

Horsey (from horse)

Kitty (from cat or kitten)

Potty (originally from pot now equivalent to modern toilet)

Doggy (from dog)

Bad boy/girl     np term of scolding

Big boy/girl      np term of praising for mature behavior

Cootchie- cootchie-coo           interj. sound eliciting attention or laughter, often used while tickling

Go beddy-bye             vp go to bed, say goodnight

Go bye-bye     vp go away, bid farewell

Googoo gaga   interj imitation of babbling

Number one     np act of urinating

Number two    np act of defecating

Oopsie-daisy   interj. identifying a mishap

Play pretty       vp share, be sociable with playmates

Smarty-pants   n. smart-aleck child

Whooping        n. physical punishment, paddling


Список игрушек, Toys Guide

Rattle - погремушка


Shake a rattle - трясти погремушку

Ride-on Toys

Magnetic Set

Toys for Building

Blocks (бывают wooden деревянные, wollen - из шерсти)

stick different objects together  - собирать детали конструктора вместе
stack blocks high или stack blocks up - строить башню
knock blocks over - ломать башню



Bead puzzles

push the beads around a wire - толкать бусины пальчиком по проволоке

Balls of different size

roll a ball - катать
kick a ball - пинать
hide a ball  - прятать

Baby swing

 bounce in - качаться


blow bubbles - пускать мыльные пузыри

Forty-one ways to say "Very bad"


It's out of the question.

It's not your concern.

It's no good.

It's a trick.

It can't be helped.

It's not done.

It's not the thing to do.

That's enough.

That'll do.

Spare me that, please.

That won't work.

That won't do.

This is just too much.

Not another word.

This has gone too far.

And no arguments.

Stop fussing.

You've got out of bed on the wrong side.

Things are getting worse and worse.

Things are going from bad to worse.

Absolutely impossible.

No talking.

Nothing done.

Stop that.

That's going too far.

That's the limit.

What's the big idea!

Leave me alone.

Don't do that.

Don't you dare do that again.

Stop! You can't do that.

I won't let you do that.

Why on earth?

Shame on you.

You dare!

You shouldn't speak like that.

You'll pay for it.

It's just like you.

And don't you forget it.

Joking apart.

It's not a laughing matter.



Forty-one ways to say "Very good"


That's a good boy!

That's a good, little fellow!

Good for you, my little one.

That's nice, my little one.

Well, look at you, the Darling!

You're going fine, my dear!

That's good, the Marvel!

That's it, the Clever!

Good work, the Creature!

Your mother is proud of you, my Treasure.

You've got it, sonny.

You did it, my sweet!

That's the way, my love-bird!

That's the way to do it, my little one.

You're doing a good job, my pet.

Couldn't have done it better myself. Clever one!

You did very well. Wonderful Boy!

That's better than ever, my son.

I like it. my darling.

Nice going, little fellow!

That's right, my dear.

Not bad, the Marvel!

You're right. Sweet!

Good thinking, my clever!

You've got it made. Wonderful Boy!

Now that's what I call a fine job, my pet!

That's coming along nicely, my darling!

You really figured it out, my Treasure!




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